Friday, February 13, 2009

What did you do well on your Antigone paper?

The thing I did well on was my analysis. I believe this because I made sure I explained what the quote was about. If somebody who has never read Antigone or Warriors Don't Cry, they will know what the quote is talking about.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Name a famous African American figure. Tell me why he/she is important

Oprah Winfrey is a very important African American figure. She has many things such as her own talk show and even a magazine named after her. After President Obama was elected president and had to leave his seat of being the senator of Illinois, Oprah was asked to take his place. She helps children in Africa, creating Oprah's Angel Network. People donate money to this network in order to raise money for children in poverty stricken areas. 
Oprah was ranked as the most influential women in America by CNN and Time. She is an animal activist working with PETA in the fight to end animal cruelty and even exposed the horrid treatments of animals on one of her shows. PETA named her '2008 Person Of The Year'.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Has your writing improved since attending EA? Explain

My writing has improved a great amount in my opinion. I now know how to use attention grabbers in my writing and how to eliminate tired words from my writing vocabulary. I'm very glad that I chose to attend EA, because my writing has gotten so much better than it was before.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What is the title of a book that you would like to read? Why?

The title of a book I would like to read is "Twilight". The reason why I want to read this book is because I saw the movie and the movie, I loved. I also heard the book was great. I heard it was better than the movie. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What are your 2nd semester goals? How do you plan on achieving them?

My 2nd semester goal is to get a writers notebook. I plan on achieving them by going out to the store and purchasing one. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What can be learned from your paper topic?

The thing that can be learned from my paper topic is that you should always stand up for what you believe in and what you think is morally correct. 

Friday, January 16, 2009

What grade do you deserve for this semester? Why?

I deserve at least a B+ or an A. I deserve this because I feel that I am a good student and I do my work. I would be really shocked if I got something like a C because that is a grade that I would not deserve.